Below are some examples of my previous work and projects. Feedback and/or questions are always welcome so feel free to reach out!
Creating an online presence for the company Water Stations Ireland to increase sales of their water stations.
GitHub Live Project LinkHTML, CSS, JavaScript
A card-matching memory game designed to be fun and interactive for users of all ages.
GitHub Live Project LinkHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python
A collaborative cocktail recipe site allowing users to search for new cocktails as well as adding their own recipes.
GitHub Live Project LinkHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Django
An e-commerce website specialising in the sale of cocktail equipment and home-bar decor.
GitHub Live Project LinkHTML, CSS
Fictional resume website created as part of Code Institute's course material.
GitHub Live Project LinkHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Flask, MongoDB
A task manager app allowing users to add, edit, delete and mark tasks as urgent.
GitHub Live Project LinkComing Soon
Keep an eye out for my next project.
GitHub Live Project Link